Thursday, April 16, 2015

Small Joint Arthrocentesis.....VIDEO!

After a long, long wait, Procedures Club Videos are finally here!  This month, we present the perpetual challenge of Small Joint Arthrocentesis (specifically the wrist, the elbow, and the ankle).  This has been in the making for some time now, and we're very proud to finally present it.  It's been a pilot production for us--we learned a lot about making these on the fly.  The whole dealie-o has been an inspiration for bigger and better content in the future.  So enjoy, but as always remember that these are for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.  Don't go tapping like a madman because some guy on the internet told you so.

And yes, we know, John's head is really freaking huge.

Small Joint Arthrocentesis from Procedures Club on Vimeo.

Monday, April 6, 2015


Let's say you're sitting in your shop when a sharply dressed fifty-somethingish gentleman shuffles in looking very uncomfortable, but also a bit embarrassed.  You take your high quality history, and you reveal that he's been using a product known as "Triple Mix", which is a combination of paparavine, phentolamine, and prostaglandin--formulated for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.  And specifically, it's meant to be injected into the penis (and amazingly it's FDA approved!).

You discover that he last used said product eight hours ago, and while the treatment was very effective, his erection hasn't gone away, he's now experiencing some pretty significant pain.  You examine him and discover a gloriously tumescent penis.  Diagnosis?  Priapism!  Better get yer gloves on.

Before we do anything, let's start with some basic science review.  The erectile tissue of the penis is composed of the cavernosal arteries (the "eyes" of the diagram above),  which sit inside the corpora (plural!) cavernosa.  An erection occurs when the cavernosal arteries engorge the cavernosa.  In normal physiology, this tapers off as cavernosal pressure approaches arterial pressure, until the neuroendocrine system ultimately switches it all off.  The blood then drains back out via the emissary veins.

In low-flow priapism (the most common variety), the drainage mechanism gets stuck.  this can be caused by compression of the emissary veins (as in iatrogenic cases), venous blockage (seen in sickle cell anemia, leukemia, coagulopathies), or neurohormonal dysregulation (also usually iatrogenic).  The far rarer high-flow priapism is caused by uninhibited arterial inflow, and occurs almost exclusively in trauma.  Clinically, the hallmark of priapism is a painful erection lasting for several hours in which the glans remains soft and spongy whilst the corpora remains tumescent.

This can make your patients pretty uncomfortable!  What's more concerning is that the priapism can potentially result in ischemia from sludging and clotting in the cavernosa.  Irreversible impotence is another possibility.  So yeah, it's an emergency, and uh, yeah, you've gotta drain it now.

As it turns out, the procedure is not terribly difficult.  You can break it down into a few steps:

Before you poke-

  • Start with a warm sitz bath to help dilate the emissary veins and facilitate drainage.  At least, this is what Rosen's recommends we start with.  Usually pretty futile but it doesn't hurt to try.
  • Try peripherally dosing a peripheral vasodilator like terbutaline or hydralazine.  These have been quoted as having "variable success."
Once you're ready-

  • Anesthetize the area with 1 cc or so of lidocaine (WITHOUT EPI!) at approximately 8 o'clock and 4 o' clocl on the sides of the proximal shaft.  This avoids hitting the dorsal neurovascular bundle and the urethra.   You also shouldn't have to go very deep. Note that the image above uses 10 o' clock and 2 o' clock, which is also acceptable.  Be generous with this stuff!
  • Using sterile technique, stick butterfly needles into the numbed sites, and attach 10 cc syringes to them--smaller syringes will generate better negative pressure.  You should be able to evacuate blood immediately.  Even if only one side works, there is communication between the corpora, so just keep aspirating.
  • You can also simutaneously irrigate through a second butterfly with a prepared solution of 10 mg of phenylephrine diluted in 500 cc of normal saline.  This will assist with constriction of cavernosal arteries.  If the flow stops or slows, give a flush.
  • Drain until detumescence.  It will be a bloody mess.

If you get the desired result of detumescence, you should watch your patient for an hour or so to ensure that cavernosal blood doesn't reaccumulate.  If they look good after this, the patient can be discharged home with urology follow-up ASAP.  If the techniques fail, the patient needs to go to the OR with a urologist--they will need to consider putting in a shunt or excise some clots under anesthesia.

Dr. Larry Mellick has a great demonstration on his YouTube site here:

Some parting pearls of wisdom:

  • Ancillary techniques have limited success in improving priapism--you probably just need to drain the thing.
  • Drainage is not rocket science, you just need to be sure to avoid poking the dorsal neurovascular bundle as well as the urethra.
  • Always be aware of the potential for symptomatic effects of the aforementioned vasoactive substances, especially if the penis is only semi-erect (hint hint -- the emissary veins will carry your phenylephrine downstream).
And always as always, these writings and musings are for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.  Do we really have to remind you to be careful about going at a penis with a needle?  Be safe!



Roberts and Hedges Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine. Saunders 2014, Chapter 55.

Rosen's Emergency Medicine, Chapter 174.

The Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital Department of Urologic Surgery

Dr. Larry Mellick's YouTube Page